Org file structure

The contents of an org file are represented internally in Org mode as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The nodes of this tree are org elements and objects, such as headings, paragraphs, blocks, and text formatting/markup constructs. See Org mode’s documentation on the Element API for more detailed information.

The document

The OrgDocument class stores data and metadata for an entire Org document. The OrgDocument.root attribute stores the root of the document’s AST (see Outline structure).

AST nodes

Nodes are all represented as instances of OrgNode or one of its subclasses. They have several key attributes:

The node’s type, such as paragraph or list-item (see below).
A unique string ID assigned by Org mode during the export process. Can be used to look up targets of internal links.
A dictionary of named properties that depends on the node’s type. See Org mode’s documentation on the Element API for a list of all properties by type. Some additional properties are also added by ox-json on export.
Ordered list of this node’s AST children and text contents. Elements of the list are either OrgNode instances or strings.

Node types

The OrgNode.type attribute is an instance of OrgNodeType. This is a namedtuple which stores the type’s name as well as its properties as determined by the name’s membership in the org-element-all-elements, org-element-all-objects, org-element-greater-elements, org-element-object-containers, and org-element-recursive-objects variables in Emacs.

pyorg.ast.ORG_NODE_TYPES is a dictionary containing all node types defined by Org mode, keyed by name.

Specialized OrgNode subclasses

Outline structure

An org document is structured as an outline tree, which is made of nested headline elements. In Org mode, the root of the parse tree (and therefore the outline tree) is a special element with type org-data. All other outline nodes correspond to headline elements. In pyorg these are represented with the specialized classes OrgDataNode and OrgHeadlineNode, both of which inherit from the abstract base class OrgOutlineNode.

The contents of an outline node always consist of an optional section element followed by zero or more headline elements. For convenience these are also stored in the OrgOutlineNode.section and OrgOutlineNode.subheadings attributes.

You can use the OrgOutlineNode.dump_outline method to print a simple representation of an outline node’s subtree:

>>> mydocument.root.dump_outline()

0. Header for section one
 0. Header for subsection 1.1
   0. Header 1.1.1
 1. Header 1.2
1. These are the header's title text
2. Section three...


See OrgTimestampNode


See OrgTableNode